Settings For Mtn BIS Cheat On Android Using Syphon Shield

This is for each one of those Android clients either rooted or unrooted who are as yet thinking that its hard to utilize MTN BIS on Android through SS or Psiphon. I know some of you are as of now getting a charge out of it, however for the advantage of the individuals who are as yet thinking that its hard to utilize. I'm going to give you a basic setup and that ought to work fine and dandy for you.

Note that MTN BIS or BBLited is not unlimited. It is capped and on the off chance that you are going to download overwhelming files, it's prescribed you utilize the day by day plan. Thus and straight to the instructional exercise.

Download the install Psiphon handler called Sypon Shield here

Open the downloaded syphon shield and configure it as seen below

Tickremove port
Proxy Type: Real host
Proxy Server:
Real Proxy type: inject
Real Proxy server:
Port: 8080

Hit the save button and choose Tunnel the whole device option. Choose any country of your choice to connect...
Click on the gear icon and use the below configuration on the next window that will open
Tick "connect through an HTTP"
Tick "Use system network setting"
tick use the following settings
Host address, use
Port, use 8080
Go back to your Sypon homepage and hit the connect button. Your MTN BIS should now connect and let your surfing begin.

Kindly comment if it worked for you.
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  1. Anonymous26/1/16

    How kn I subscribe for d bis plan n wit hw much?

  2. is still working
