Settings For MTN 0.00 Cheat On OpenVpn Connect For iOS Users

I'm sure everyone here must have being browsing free with Mtn 0.00 on simple server and Etisalat Socialme cheat for Netify vpn which are unlimited browsing and downloading...

Now am bringing a Config file for iOS and iPad users, so that you won't be left out... This config file is for MTN 0.00 cheat on OPENVPN Connect app...

First of all, download the OpenVPN connect from iTunes here if you don't have it installed on your phone

Now download the config files by clicking here or here (make use of any of the two config files you downloaded as one of them might not work very well for some devices), then import them to the OpenVPN app.

Finally, launch the OpenVPN app from your iPad or iPhone and connect.
Enjoy MTN free browsing on your iOS with 0.00 naira while it last.

Flex and Enjoy.
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  1. Please how do I enter pay as you go , so I can deplete my account to 0.00 naira

    1. To migrate to MTN PayGo,
      text 400 to 131 from your

  2. pls I need d link to down sypon shield.. tenx

  3. minnie15/2/16

    Hi vic, but tot u said after installing the sypon shield and buying #500 and following all d processes we begin to have unlimited data for a month. Y did my data finish after just 2days of downloading few stuff? Or is there a place I missed it

    1. Is it the Etisalat socialme monthly?
