5 Ways To Confirm That You Are A Phone Addict

Numerous individuals have substituted the affection they have for individuals around them with their telephones. These telephones are so critical to them and they could barely spend an entire day without pressing their phones.

Presently we comprehend that it is portable that you need around you generally so individuals can contact you when they have to; however individuals do significantly more than that now on their telephones and get adhered to it throughout the day.

The telephone is more imperative than some individuals' love partner, young ladies would utilize theirs to check their appearance and change a dropping out twist of hair, numerous individuals have substituted theirs for clock and would preferably check the time on the telephone than checking the watch on their wrists. The rundown is unending.

When you have turned out to be so connected to an item up to the point where you can't manage without it, then you are potentially addicted to it. At the point when individuals hear the word Addict, their brains go to drugs. You can be addicted to a specific lifestyle and you can be also addicted on the utilization of devices, for example, telephones.

The following are signs that say you are a telephone Addict:

1. When it is the first thing you hold in the morning
Normally, when you wake up, you are expected to pray and start your day by doing some house chores before you prepare for the office. You would know you are a phone addict when all you do is hold the phone and check messages as soon as you wake up.
You would spend a considerable amount of time going through the phone like it is a new object of fascination. And when you go to bed at night, you would probably drift into dreamland with the phone in your hand.
2. When that is all you do at work
Some people are lucky with the kind of job they have; some jobs warrant you to sit in a position all day and attend to files. While at this, you will know you are a phone addict when you sneak out time to press your phone for as long as possible while working.
3. When you go to the toilet with it
Like seriously? The ‘pooh’ would not come out if some people do not press their phones when they are in the toilet. Phone addicts experience insecurity with their phones and would rather take them everywhere they go. When they are crawling into a hole, the phone would be with them.
4. Your phone or your life?
You are a phone addict when you would rather get beaten by rogues than to drop your phone. Many people risk their lives when they are being robbed because they do not want to let go of their phones. They can offer to release their heads in exchange for the phone; you can test them by hiding the phone to see their reactions.
5. When you are depressed when your battery is dead 
You need to see some people when their phones do not have network or the battery is down, they will be on the verge of tears and would become depressed. The phone is their everything and you will be tempted to ask them if anyone just died with the countenance on their faces. 
Hmm, which category did you fall in?
To be honest, am a victim of all categories.
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  1. Hmmmmm. Nice write up.

  2. u are very correct on this info..

  3. Very good thinking,That is phone addict for you
