Glo Free Browsing Cheat For Tweakware Mod v1.6

Today have been a busy day for me. I've been receiving private messages and mails regarding Glo free browsing cheat not connecting on Tweakware vpn. I thought it was because their domain got expired, so i decided to wait until they renew their domain and see if the connecting problem will persist. I tried to connect Glo again early today on Tweakware but i keep getting HTTP Connection Failed.

At first, i thought the cheat has been blocked but fortunately, it hasn't. The problem is from Tweakware itself and not Glo. So, i tried to sort out an alternative for you guys to keep browsing free with Glo. I'm happy to tell you that, i have another settings. Not just a setting but a fast and stable settings using Tweakware Mod v1.6. I noticed Psiphon and Syphon Shield always disconnect but i assure you that my new settings that am going to drop right here in this post will hardly disconnect if you have a good Glo 3G network. When i say good 3G network, i meant stable 'H+' signal []

Now, let me drop the Settings. Like i said earlier, we will be using Tweakware Mod v1.6 till when Tweakware fix their bugs.


First of all, sms PAYU to 127. You will receive a reply that you are using data as Pay As U Go to browse. Skip this if you have previously sent the text.

  • A Glo sim with 0.00 balance and no data
  • Strong 3G network
  • Your Android phone 
  • Tweakware v1.6 Mod
Name: Entclass
APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
Proxy: leave it blank 
Port: leave it blank  
Username and password: flat

Now, download Tweakware v1.6 Mod Here. If you don't have it before.

Launch the Tweakware Mod, tap on LOGS => Handler Menu. You will be asked for a Childlock code, kindly input this code cdce.imishiro.032990. 

Now, scroll down to the end and set it as follows:

  • Tick Remove Port
  • Proxy type: Real host 
  • Proxy server:
  • Real proxy type: Default 
  • Real Proxy server: leave it blank 
  • Real Proxy port: 80
  • Untick Childlock to avoid repeated Childlock request. 
  • Now, tap on Save
  • Goto Home, select region as United States or Netherlands and hit Connect.

It will connect within 2 to 3minutes.

Now, launch your browser and start browsing.
It's more stable and fast compared to Psiphon and Syphon.

That's all.
If you have any problem or confused about this settings, kindly comment below. If you find it difficult to comment, kindly download our Android app on Google Playstore => search Entclass on Google Playstore and download it. Or download it HERE and use it to comment easily. You can also get notified from our Android app of new free browsing cheats published here.

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About Entclass Blog Is A Top Tech Blog That Provides Free And Cheap Browsing Cheats On Mtn, 9mobile, Glo And Airtel, Tweaking Guides And Tech News.

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  1. Hardhekunle24/9/16

    After i input the childlock code,it still reappear. Any help

    1. Victor Kachi24/9/16

      When you are on the handler menu, scroll down to Childlock and untick the box. It won't prompt you again.

  2. Daniel4izzle24/9/16

    Baba its working and its not disconnecting like before. Thanks alot. You know I wonder how you get figure this tweaks.

    1. Victor Kachi24/9/16

      lol. I didn't start today. It's been years am into this.

      Yeah, Tweakware is back and working perfectly well. Enjoy!

  3. Hardhekunle24/9/16

    Immediately i open handler menu, d child protection prompt out and i could not able to scroll it.

    1. Victor Kachi25/9/16

      Once it prompt you, kindly input the childlock code i gave in this post. Once u are in handler menu, scroll down and untick childlock box

  4. Anonymous25/9/16

    Kachi, what abt simple server? Any settings?

    1. Victor Kachi25/9/16

      Currently, there isn't any settings for it now.

  5. Daniel4izzle25/9/16

    Boss that Asphalt obb file det play hide and seek for my phone o. Each time I extract it to the obb folder and then run the game, it says it requires additional files of 1.3G to work. Going back to the obb folder, the extracted file is no longer there. What could be the problem?

    1. Victor Kachi25/9/16

      Install the apk first. Then put the obb where it supposed to be and then open the apk.

  6. afro lover25/9/16

    nice bro...

  7. Anonymous26/9/16

    Abeg I'm intrested in the etisalat own

  8. Anonymous26/9/16

    Abeg etisalat tweakware package... I need a premium acc @felociity on twitter/instagram

  9. Anonymous27/9/16

    I cant download large file with this glo cheat.....the speed slow Down after reaching like 10mb... I need to disconnect and connect again... before it gives the desire speed

  10. dehabs30/9/16

    mine is not connecting

    1. Victor Kachi30/9/16

      I noticed that recently. Are you getting stable H+ network over there?

  11. Anonymous10/12/16

    Please after downloading the tweakware,am unable to install it... An error pops up "error parsing app" please help needed Bozz them....

    1. Victor Kachi11/12/16

      The app didn't download successfully. It hasn't downloaded finish.

  12. LEWISPRESTO23/3/17

