Etisalat 60MB Free Browsing Cheat For XP Psiphon

Hello fans, i will be dropping another settings for Etisalat free browsing cheat. Though, many people have been enjoying this cheat on a daily basis which I'm one of them, regardless of the 60MB daily limit the cheat gives.

This Etisalat cheat is data capped at 60MB daily, this means, if you exhaust the 60MB today, you will be able to connect to it again tomorrow. That's how the cheat is. I know it's small but at least it can help update one or two apps on your Playstore, or stream some funny videos on YouTube.

Without wasting much time, i will be dropping XP Psiphon settings for this cheat. Remember, Glo is still blazing unlimitedly with N0.00 on XP Psiphon without constant disconnections. You can see the settings Here.

Etisalat 60MB Free Browsing Cheat For XP Psiphon

First of all, download XP Psiphon Here, if you don't have it installed on your phone.

  • Etisalat sim with 0.00naira and no active data
  • Your Android phone 
  • XP Psiphon
Use Etisalat default APN settings

After that, launch the vpn, tap on the navigation icon (three white dash) => XP Generator.
Proxy: Leave it blank
Real Proxy type: Default
Proxy type: tick Real Host
Now, tap on Generate

In selected server, Tap on the flag and wait a second for the list to show, then choose United states or Netherlands.

Now, tap on Connect.
It will connect within 3mins.

Now, launch your browser and start browsing. It's very fast.

That's all. If you have any problem or confused about this settings, kindly comment below. If you find it difficult to comment, kindly download our Android app on Google Playstore => search Entclass on Google Playstore and download it. Or download it HERE and use it to comment easily. You can also get notified from our Android app of new free browsing cheats published here.

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About Entclass Blog Is A Top Tech Blog That Provides Free And Cheap Browsing Cheats On Mtn, 9mobile, Glo And Airtel, Tweaking Guides And Tech News.
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  1. Must my fone be rooted??

  2. Anonymous12/12/16

    Sir, it z not working for opera mini

    1. How do you mean? Did you connect via XP Psiphon?

    2. Anonymous12/12/16

      Yeah, but it works on Chrome
      Sir how can we check it

    3. You don't really need Opera. Use Chrome for browsing.

  3. I downloaded d app buy showing parsing apk failed

    1. Probably it didn't download successfully or your phone can't install the App.
