Glo Free Browsing Cheat Is Back and Better on Tweakware v5.5

Recently, some readers of this blog complained that Glo has stopped connecting on Tweakware vpn. I also experienced the bugs too. But Tweakware latest version v5.5 has fixed the problem.

Glo 0.00 free browsing cheat is back and better on the latest Tweakware v5.5. I have just tested and confirmed it. You can now browse unlimitedly again on Tweakware vpn using your Glo sim.

I will be dropping my quick settings for Glo free browsing cheat on Tweakware vpn.


  • A Glo sim with no active Data plan and Airtime
  • Your Android phone 
  • Latest version of Tweakware v5.5

Name: Entclass
APN: ntel
APN Type: Tick Default & Supl
Proxy: leave it blank 
Port: leave it blank  
Username and password: leave it empty

Now, uninstall the current Tweakware app on your phone and download the latest Tweakware app v5.5.
PlayStore Link: Click Here

==> Now, launch the Tweakware app

==> In Server list, select any free server in the dropdown if you are not a premium user.

==> On the Tweaks list, select "Glo 0.0k".

==> Now, Tick the box beside Tweaks, to enable it.

==> Then tap on Connect

It will connect with in 10 seconds. After it's connected, launch your browser and start browsing. One interesting thing about this new version of Tweakware is that, it doesn't disconnect at all and it's very fast.

You need a Premium/Upgrade account to use Tweakware for android OR you can use the free servers without upgrade/payment but your data will be limited per day on free servers.
Upgrading to Premium costs only #500 and gives access to all the servers without any mb limit.

To be Frank with you, Glo 3G network is not reliable, cos there are times the 3G gets so strong that i will be able to use more than 2GB that day, by updating my Apps on Playstore and streaming/downloading videos online. While sometimes it can't even open a single web page.

But now, it's browsing and downloading flawlessly.

If you have any problem or confused about this settings, kindly comment below, and i will reply asap. Please and please, Share this post.

Happy Browsing friends! 

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About Entclass Blog Is A Top Tech Blog That Provides Free And Cheap Browsing Cheats On Mtn, 9mobile, Glo And Airtel, Tweaking Guides And Tech News.

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  1. Anonymous14/2/17

    Please I need your help, my smartphone (Lenovo Golden Warrior) have been having this issue, when I make calls it just makes this piercing sound (like the one local TV stations make when they just display those 8 colors or so)
    I have been experiencing this ever since I installed MTK engineering mode apk and altered some default settings.
    I have tried to clear data of the MTK and it still persists.
    I don't want to flash or reset my phone please can you help me with any other alternative?

    1. Victor Kachi14/2/17

      Clearing the data of the App won't solve the issue because you have already saved the settings you made on the app. Kindly locate where you made those settings and undo it. If you can't, and you know it's because of what you did on MTK app, then you have no other choice than to reset your phone.

    2. Hypelord14/2/17

      Its time to get a link from ur site bro...
      Happy Val.

    3. Victor Kachi14/2/17

      Haha. Naughty boy. That's your val gift lol.

  2. LEWISPRESTO14/2/17

    Testing Mode onpoint

  3. Nutrinaija16/2/17

    Thanks for this post keep on trying
    Commenting From
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  4. LEWISPRESTO16/11/17

    Glo with Regret
