How to Access and Browse Entclass Blog 100% Faster

Hello friends of Entclass Blog (, today, I'll be teaching you all how you can access and browse this blog very faster. I know how it feels when a site loads faster, it gives the visitor a reason to come back again, and not worry about data consumption.

I've been trying my possible best to make sure this Blog is optimized to load faster and also responsive in any type of device used in browsing this Blog. And i can see that, I've not received any complaint regarding delay in loading this Blog, a kudos should go to me huh!

Now, back to the main topic of this post. I will be teaching you another new way to access this Blog even faster. This step is just like an App-like bookmark, which is only available on Chrome browser (my best browser for accessing the web).

Without wasting much of your time, permit me to tell you that this is the fastest way to access and browse this Blog.


It's very simple and straightforward. Just follow me along.

>> First of all, download and install the latest version of Chrome browser from Playstore Here, if you don't have it installed on your phone.

>> Now, launch your Chrome browser and visit this blog via

>> While on the site's homepage, just tap on the 3 vertical dots on the browser, which is located at the upper right corner of the screen.

>> Then, tap on Add to Home screen

>> You will get a popup, kindly tap on Add.

That's all. A new icon of our Blog will be created and saved on your phone's Home screen, just like mine below.
Anyway, that's me -Victor Kachi- in the screenshot above. For those of you that hasn't seen my face before and the brain behind Entclass Blog.

The icon serves like an app shortcut to access this blog very faster. Once you tap on our icon, immediately our Blog will load up within 5-seconds, isn't that amazing?. I've done the necessary codings to speed up the load time of this Blog. You will as well feel the speed when browsing this Blog using this step.

Meanwhile, you can download our Official Android app from Google Playstore Here and browse this Blog even more faster. You will love the design and the user interface as well as the speed. Also, you will be getting notifications immediately a new free browsing cheat and other posts are being published here on this blog

I've made everything quite easy for you guys. Browsing this Blog at an amazing speed is one of my aim here. I hope you find this useful.

Lest i forget, Happy Easter to everyone celebrating it. Have fun and don't play rough.

If you have any question to ask, kindly leave it in the comment box below and also don't forget to Share this post using the Share buttons below.

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About Entclass Blog Is A Top Tech Blog That Provides Free And Cheap Browsing Cheats On Mtn, 9mobile, Glo And Airtel, Tweaking Guides And Tech News.
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  1. Unknown14/4/17

    God will continue ti growth your knowledge

    1. Victor Kachi14/4/17

      Thanks and Amen!

  2. Business Planner14/4/17

    Pls sir did you use appgyser to create your app??

  3. Business Planner14/4/17

    Then what platform??

    1. Victor Kachi14/4/17

      I don't think there's any need to know. Anyway, see Here

  4. Oy Dave15/4/17

    Nice one.. Frosh dude.. Smart gee

  5. Oy Dave15/4/17

    There are new changes on the outlook.. even on uc browser

  6. Anonymous15/4/17

    Good one

  7. LEWISPRESTO15/4/17

    Good Blogger
