How to Browse with 9mobile Free YouTube Streaming Bonus using AnonyTun Mod

9mobile has been releasing amazing offers lately but they now make almost all the offers/bonus usable at night, which is so bad of them.

Latest offer coming from the network gives you an additional "Free YouTube Streaming" whenever you purchase a monthly data plan on the network.

What this means is that, anytime you purchase a monthly data plan on 9mobile, you will be credited with free YouTube streaming.

Those on 9mobile morecliq are always given "Free Cliq4DNite data bonus" to browse from 12AM - 5AM, same thing applies to this free YouTube streaming. This YouTube free video streaming is only usable on YouTube app or YouTube site, and can be used from 1AM - 5AM.

9mobile free YouTube streaming bonus will be given to customers who purchased any monthly data plan.

If you are given the free YouTube streaming bonus, i will teach you how to make it power all apps and browsers on your Android device. The bonus should be capped at about 2GB or so.

Note that you can only browse from 1AM - 5AM daily but I will teach you how to make it power all apps apart from YouTube site/app.

How to Browse with 9mobile YouTube Streaming bonus

Make sure you have received the YouTube bonus which says; "Enjoy free YouTube streaming from 1AM-5AM daily."

>> Now, when it's 1AM, setup your AnonyTun vpn Mod as follows:

>> Incase you don't have AnonyTun vpn Mod installed on your Android phone, kindly download the vpn from this POST HERE.

>> After that, open the vpn and tap on "Stealth Settings" and toggle it on.

>> Set Connection protocol to HTTP and set Connection port to 8081.

>> Toggle on the "Custom TCP/HTTP headers" and tap on the "EDIT CUSTOM TCP/HTTP header"

>> In URL/HOST input this proxy server;

>> Set Request method to POST and set Injection Method to NORMAL.

>> Under Extra headers; tick User Agent and Keep Alive.

>> Finally, tap on GENERATE and then SAVE.

>> Now, hit Connect, and it should connect within seconds. After it's connected, launch your browser and start browsing, streaming and downloading using the Free YouTube streaming data bonus.

Enjoy the YouTube free browsing bonus on all applications on your Android device. I hope you found this post useful? Why not drop a comment and share this post with your friends.

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  1. Unknown20/8/17

    This is also good, I like, thanks for the update.

  2. Unknown20/8/17

    Good Idea

  3. Wizdom20/8/17

    tanx so much

  4. Titus20/8/17

    good one

  5. osita20/8/17

    how do I use this anonytun mod with airtel Facebook data to power all my apps?

    1. Victor Kachi20/8/17

      Not possible for now

  6. hassan21/8/17

    thanks for sharing am gonna rock it very well.

  7. Unknown21/8/17

    Thanks for the update

  8. Emmix M21/8/17


  9. Anonymous21/8/17

    plz add to d WhatsApp group... 08079761558

  10. Anonymous21/8/17

    how about using anonytun with airtel YouTube data? is it possible?

    1. Victor Kachi21/8/17

      Kindly give it a try and post your feedback here.

  11. faticoz23/8/17

    This is good, you people are really trying.

  12. Wizdom23/8/17

    wat ar u guys doing? glo 0.0k is no longer working....solution please! I av a long download list!

    1. Unknown24/8/17

      True. I noticed it yesterday afternoon. Kachi, what's good. Update us. Abeg.

  13. Unknown25/8/17

    Wow! Thanks a lot for this.. You rock.
