Instagram Direct now lets you reply with a photo or video

Instagram, which is owned by Facebook has added a new feature to the Direct (the part of Instagram that's essentially a one-to-one messaging service) that lets you reply to Instagram Directs with a photo or videos.

Latest Instagram update now allows users to reply to a specific photos, videos and reshared posts in Instagram Direct with a photo or video. The update is already live on Google Playstore and iTunes app store, with a version 10.34.

In addition, your reply will automatically include a sticker of what you're replying to, as seen in the screenshot above.

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That's not all, however. You can choose to go into a split-screen mode for the reply, modifying that sticker as you see fit. You do this by simply tapping on the sticker after it appears. And as you can see in the example above, you can draw on the sticker, or add effects, as well as choose how big it is and where it should be placed in your photo reply.

Instagram has added lots of features of which i can't even mention. Even now, more updates and features are yet to be released. It's cool anyway. What's your say on this one?

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  1. Unknown18/8/17

    Nice one... This is good.

  2. Oy Dave18/8/17

    Wow.. For real?? Finally.. Can reply dumb group users with memes.. 😂

  3. Unknown18/8/17

    Thanks for your update

  4. Unknown18/8/17

    nice idea

  5. Titus18/8/17

    I never get the updates wtf instagram

  6. Unknown19/8/17

    Not bad. I don like Instagram inbox anyway. To me it's useless. Except I want to chat with strangers. That sticker is a good idea.

  7. Emmix M19/8/17

    Nice update

  8. faticoz23/8/17

    Good development, it is nice.
