WhatsApp adds Colored Text Status Feature

The colored status update we do see or use on Facebook app and Messenger is about hitting Whatsapp. The feature is yet to be available on the regular Whatsapp version on Playstore, it's still in its testing mode which is only available for the Beta testers.

There's no much difference between the usual colored status we see on Facebook app and Messenger. It's really a nice feature, and now it's coming to Whatsapp.

Though not all currently use the Status feature, Perhaps WhatsApp hope it will convince people to start using the status feature.

How to Use The New Colored Status Feature

Go to the Status tab and look for the floating pencil button on the bottom right.

Even as a Beta tester, after updating to the latest Whatsapp version, you might not see the feature, as it's not yet visible to all Beta testers. It could be a server side switch or it might require you clear app data before it can show up.

If you are a beta tester, you can update your WhatsApp to the latest version on Playstore.

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  1. Oy Dave10/8/17

    Not impressive for whatsapp.. I hate the idea of downloading other peoplez story status.. So annoying 😡

  2. Titus10/8/17

    am not on whatsapp, they can do their old ideas.

  3. Unknown10/8/17

    Not OK on whatsapp like Facebook, Thanks for the update.

  4. Unknown10/8/17

    Nawa. So we will now be having like 3 or 4 apps doing almost the same thing. All these to discredit Snapchat. Loooooool. Keep trying Mark.

  5. hassan10/8/17

    guys pls help me out on How To Add Customize Link In my Blog Post

    1. Victor Kachi10/8/17

      What customize link are you talking about?

  6. Unknown10/8/17

    Thanks for the update

  7. hassan10/8/17

    a customize link like download "here" and the word "here " is also a link.

  8. Emmix M10/8/17

    Nice feature

  9. Emmix M10/8/17

    Whatsapp is one of my best message app so far

  10. tizkid11/8/17

    Wow... Chatting will now be more fun

  11. hassan21/8/17

    thanks for the help.
