How to Restore the Old YouTube Layout

YouTube officially rolled out its new interface to the public few days ago, August 29th 2017 to be precise. This was done after months of being in the beta testing.

If you are a regular YouTube user, you would have noticed that the new interface is now set as the default UI for everyone. Though there have been bad reviews regarding the new interface.

If I should add, i just don't like the current UI of YouTube PC view. The interface is just dull with small or no design. It's just unpleasing to the eyes and very confusing.

The current design has no option to look at views stats (i.e: how many viewing the video has got over time) in the video description and more other missing features.

The likes/dislikes bar looks like the ratio of dislikes is super high. Difficult to playlist video from a specific video. Video manager is located at a hard-to-find place.

What ever your reasons are, the good news is that you can always go back to the old Youtube layout, and the bad news is, we don’t know how long this option will be available before they make the new UI permanently default.

In this article, I will quickly guide you on how to Restore the Old YouTube layout. Kindly read on.

How to go back/ Restore the Old Youtube Layout

1. Login to your Youtube account

2. Click on your user icon located at the top right corner of the screen.

>> SEE ALSOHow to Turn Off YouTube Autoplay Next Video

3. Click on “Restore Old YouTube”.

4. Provide a reason why you’re going back.

5. Finally Click “Submit”.

And that’s it, YouTube will restore back to the old layout. But if you still feel you want to go back to the new layout, simply go to and you’ll be presented with the new Layout.

Hopefully, the new layout might still get a better design and features in the future.

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  1. Unknown4/9/17

    Love,thanks for sharing this.

  2. tizkid4/9/17

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    1. Victor Kachi4/9/17

      There's no way for now. That's how Glo wants it. Maybe to stop every free browsing cheats.

    2. Unknown5/9/17

      My guy just got back from another planet. Welcome Bro. We don notice for like 2 weeks. 😂

    3. tizkid6/9/17


      Kachi, is everybody facing this same issue?

    4. Victor Kachi6/9/17

      Yes oo

  3. faticoz5/9/17

    It's a good thing sharing this with us, it would help some people.

  4. Unknown5/9/17

    This is helpful

  5. Unknown5/9/17

    This is fantastic.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Unknown5/9/17

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  7. Kanmex Blog6/9/17

    nice tips

  8. Tawham6/9/17

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