How to Delete Sent Messages on Whatsapp for Android, iOS and Windows phone

Hello guys, hope you all have updated your Whatsapp application to the latest version? If no, then you should go do so because the latest version of the app is waiting for you.

Whatsapp latest version features Revoke message, meaning you can delete messages that you have sent to a contact. On WhatsApp, this feature is called Delete for Me and Delete for Everyone.

In my recent blog post, I have explained everything you need to know about Whatsapp Revoke message feature, and I also explained what Delete for Me and Delete for Everyone means and as well how they works.

Kindly follow the post here to know how to delete sent messages on Whatsapp.

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  1. Good but I mostly use GBWhatsapp.

    I hope the modders will add this features soon.

  2. Anonymous30/10/17

    I am pleased that I discovered this website, exactly the
    right information that I was searching for!

  3. Cool features. Lovely, innit? 😂

  4. Cool features from whatsapp, this is nice.

  5. Dope info right there. Thanks

  6. Keep updating Whatsapp
