TSTV has been Officially Launched, Going Live on AIT

The most anticipated Telecom Satellite TV (TSTV) has been officially launched Today, the 1st of October 2017. After many months of delay, the company has officially given to us what we've been waiting for.

No doubt, TSTV looks promising, and interestingly came with amazing features that can't be found on other Satellite TV. These features includes but not limited to;

  • Over 200 channels
  • Wi-fi Dongle
  • Free 20GB data bundle 
  • Pause Subscription
  • In-built Camera
  • Video conferencing
Some people are still doubting if TSTV will truly be launched today which is Sunday. Ofcourse yes! They have began their services in Nigeria today. 

According to the public announcement which was made by the company on their official Facebook page;
This is to inform the general public that the official unveiling and launch of TStv Africa will be transmitted live on AIT network from 6-9pm today, 1st October,2017.

Now, you can get the decoder from accredited dealers in the following 23 states of Nigeria;
Abia, Abuja, Anambra, Bauchi, Delta, Ekiti, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Plateau, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Bayelsa, Edo, Niger and Taraba.

These are not all, the company also confirmed that more dealers and states will be added as soon as possible. You can now get your TSTV decoder from any of the states mentioned above.

You can get the TSTV decoder for N5,000 including the satellite dish 📡. For more details about the available dealers, check out "Where to buy" section on their official website at tstvafrica.com/wheretobuy.

Choose your state and you’ll see the name, location, email and phone number of the authorized dealers who can sell TStv Decoder for you.

Dealer's accreditation is still ongoing and every other state should come on board once it's completed. To be a Dealer or Sales Representative: Simply Go here to register.

Let's just wait and see if TSTV will fulfill all these mouthwatering promises and features

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  1. Unknown1/10/17

    I hope they will.

    But I believe in then.

  2. Unknown1/10/17

    🕺Froshberry 💯:
    Hello bro..
    A friend wanna root an itel 1503.

    Can he root it?

    Which root app should he use?

    1. Victor Kachi1/10/17

      Try using Kingroot app

  3. Unknown2/10/17

    Finally they are here

  4. Unknown2/10/17

    I believe in TSTV, Good updates

  5. faticoz2/10/17

    Nice one, thanks for the post.

  6. Unknown2/10/17

    Congratulations to them

  7. Unknown2/10/17

    Everything about the decoder is cool, even the fact 3.... Which service operator is offering 300 for a gig....... They tried jare

    1. Unknown2/10/17

      Abi o. Just that we go too plenty don the network. He fit slow sha

  8. Unknown2/10/17

    And the pause feature too, can Gotv pause for a Second?....... Everything about it is cool and the fact that it's now Nigerian owned again makes it awesome...... I pray they dont be like Apc, over hyping and less hings to show for it

  9. Unknown2/10/17

    let me go and get mine

  10. Kanmex Blog2/10/17

    the specs and the sub are superb, very interesting

  11. Anonymous2/10/17

    I just hope what they said they will offers will the avialable and last forever and they didn't change what they plans to offers. It better to get it now, before the price of it will be 10k, or more.

    1. Victor Kachi2/10/17

      So true. They might increase the price when demand is high

  12. Emmix M2/10/17

    Sounds good

  13. Unknown2/10/17

    Time to turn my DSTV dish to generator covering thing. No time for rubbish anymore. Am sure Tstv will have some hiccup at first but eventually, they will be fine

  14. Deji Abubakar2/10/17

    nice one hope they will surpass dstv

  15. hassan12/10/17

    There is going to be a competition between them and gotv now.

  16. LEWISPRESTO23/12/17

