How Does Goal-Line Technology Work? A Concise Tech Guide

The last time I checked, we were supposed to be discussing technology tips, strategies and ideas but for some reason, there has been a long time arguing about whether it is FOOTBALL or SOCCER.

Well, whichever side of the argument you’re on, both can be generally accepted as “Association Football” just like at Wikipedia.

What should be more bothering, by the way, is the recent surging and integration of the “Goal-Line technology” –that’s where the technology comes in.

For those less familiar with the sport, you might be wondering; how hard is it to tell when the ball goes into the goal?

Actually, it is a pretty frequent occurrence where the ball just seems to barely cross the goal-line if for example, if the ball cannons off the crossbar and bounces downward or the goalkeeper tries saving the ball while he is on the line – quite pretty decision making scenes here.

Several situations like this have put the officials in a hot pocket over the level of accuracy of decisions being made thereby leading to several officiating mistakes since they cannot entirely do it on their own.

Goal-line technology also similar to as the “Hawk-Eye” seeks to remove this uncertainty with highly sophisticated systems than mere aiding of instant replay actions.

How Does It Work?

It comprises of Fourteen (14) different cameras with seven pointed at each of the goal posts and the way these systems work together for better-referring decisions is very cool and unique.

Each of the cameras is been connected to a computer which in turn compares the ball and the field of play to a 3D module allowing the system to triangulate the position f the ball at any given moment.

In some situations the cameras may get their view of the ball blocked by either a clog of players at a place, the system can still work since it requires only Three (3) of the Seven (7) available cameras to determine the position of the ball in 3D space.

A signal is been sent by the system to a special wrist watch worn by the referee indicating a goal/no goal should be given.

This now allows the referee to make quick and literally easy ruling decisions while still in the field of play other than performing lengthy video reviews which otherwise takes much time.

Any Case Scenario Of Usage?
A very close call during a 2016 match between Liverpool and Bournemouth with the ball seemingly adjudged to have crossed the goal line but not entirely.

Another major situation in the 1966 World cup final (a long way back) was the ball seemingly bounced off the crossbar but never crossed the goal line entirely.

Even though the Powers that be were initially hesitant to introduce this feature, high profile referee blunders have forced their arms with its integration in almost all of the major European Leagues.

None Domestic competitions like the UEFA Champions League and Copa’ America has also embraced the technology with its usage at the 2014 World Cup and will be again at next year’s World Cup in RUSSIA.

Any Available Alternative?
There is a more competent method that does not rely on cameras just like in the case of the Goal Line Technology. It is known as the GoalRef System By Fraunhofer

This new method makes use of magnetic sensors been embedded into the goal frame (goal post) or even underneath the grass with the sockets been inserted into the ball itself.

This system is more convenient as it is pretty easier to determine when the ball enters the goal by measuring changes in the magnetic field.

Wondering what makes it convenient and more competent? the huge price in purchasing the Huge Screen cameras used by the ‘Big Money Competitions’ organizers. But, the issue of uproar and concerns among players with concerns to total modifications of the normal/standard used football is also a likely issue yet to be addressed.

Although football fans and players, in general, have opposed the integration of technology in general, claiming that human error is part of the game the current trend does seem to be towards ensuring that goal calls are correct.

So, are you a SOCCER/FOOTBALL fan with an opinion one way or the other on Goal Line Technology? Or maybe you have a comment or other sports that uses similar technology, let us know through the comments section.

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  1. Korion9/11/17

    I used to be against the idea, believing that human errors where part of the game but on a deeper consideration I realized the absence of it was not only subject to human error, but also to conspiracy and deliberate errors too. I also follow lawn tennis and a similar tech has always been used in it for as long as I can remember and it appear to have reduced peoples interest or passion for the game.

    So for me the tech is very much on point and is here to stay.

  2. Emmix M9/11/17


  3. LEWISPRESTO10/11/17

    Goal line technology... very good and visible

    1. Trillionclues10/11/17

      Sure, and serving its purpose quite effectively too. Thanks for the comment and do share with friends.

  4. Unknown10/11/17

    I love this,

    1. Trillionclues10/11/17

      Hy Tolulope,

      Thanks for the compliments, do share with friends too.

  5. Unknown10/11/17

    Good to kno

  6. Unknown11/11/17

    This is a welcome development.

  7. faticoz11/11/17

    This would help in sanitizing the match.

  8. Unknown11/11/17

    This is absolutely awesome.

    With this, no "0joro" again o..
    Fair play all over.

  9. Informative
