POLL: What Browser Are You Currently Using On Your Phone?

A Browser is the gateway to the internet. It is used to surf the web for millions of information. Without it, there wouldn't be any way to access the internet even sites like ours (Entclass.com.ng).

Every devices comes with one or two browsers pre-installed for easy surfing, but there's one particular browser we've developed a taste for. So, when it comes to browsing the internet, there's always one browser you always go for on your phone.

There are some people who just stick to only the browser that came with their phone and satisfied with it. There's nothing wrong with that if you ask me. Some go for browsers that are lightweight and consumes less data while some prefer a faster browser with features and great UI.

For me, I've always sticked with Google Chrome on my phone because of its great features, simplicity, shared device settings and history, custom tabs, and overall snappiness have me pretty pleased. At this point, any other browser would increase the time it takes for me to do work, which I just can't do.

Some still prefer Mozilla Firefox which is also a good browser, and now that the company has officially rolled out Firefox Quantum which is the first ever upgrade from the company with lots of features.

Opera Mini has grown to be the most used mobile browser of now and it's been installed on every phones, but the disadvantage of the browser is, it doesn't render webpage very well because Opera doesn't support JavaScript and some Css styling sheet when you enable Data Saving mode (which comes as default including Ads blocking which is not favorable to website owners and advertisers).

To cut the long article short, i still prefer and will always recommend Chrome browser for easy internet surfing. So what browser do you use on your phone?

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  1. Google Chrome always... Its d best

  2. I make use of opera mini

  3. Chrome all the way

  4. It's been a while since I got here... Just decided to checkout new browser cheats and things are floating everywhere. Especially the trending thing at the top of the page, the fire is making me uncomfortable. Should I click it or what?

    1. Funny comment. The fire only indicate Hot Posts. If clicked, you will see some sets of random posts. Nothing much.

  5. Replies
    1. Which one be that.. . Does it work like UC browser in terms of fast downloading

  6. Google chrome on my phone, firefox on laptop

  7. Well as a web programmer I usually install multiple web browsers and I've used many.

    Overall I find that I mostly use operamini but only for light surfing and reading as it does not consume as much power as the others.

    For secure transactions I use Firefox. But let me point out that so far for me puffin is the fastest browser I've ever used.

    Google chrome since it emerged has been the browser with the most support for new web technologies. It's the number one browser for many programmers cause it supports many HTML5 tags etc that are yet to be adapted by others. The problem is, the company focuses a lot on mining peoples personal data. I know many people don't care about this but those who do try as much as possible to avoid it. So for me, I mostly use it for testing and besides it drains a lot of battery.

  8. By the way Kachi, I noticed your blog was redirecting to stackoverflow earlier, what happened?

    where you hacked?

    1. I wasn't hacked. I added a redirecting code which I forgot to remove before taking a nap. Immediately I woke up, I got messages from friends concerning the issue which I immediately resolved.

      Thanks for asking.

  9. Opera, UC ,browser, phoenix etc

  10. Opera, uc

  11. For bloggers its uc browser chrome has no good news

  12. Chrome plus UC mini
