Instagram now lets you Notify your Friends to Watch your Live Video

Instagram won't stop adding features to its app. There would be new updates and features from the developers just like how Facebook app is being frequently updated.

I can't mention the number of features Instagram has received lately but still it's not yet over even in coming years. While Instagram is still rolling out Inline comment box in the feed, they just released yet another feature that allows you to notify or tell your friends that you are on Live video.

What's the essence of going Live on Instagram without your followers watching you. It's just like going Live for yourself. Now, Instagram is here to help DM your followers that you are live. The follower will be notified in their Direct Message and then accept the invitation to watch you live.

When you start a live video, you would see a little arrow button at the bottom of the screen, just tap it. Then a menu of your friends will pop up. You just have to tap a user you want Instagram to DM for you. They will see a notification that they have a new direct message, which will give them an invite to watch your live video.

Viewers of your Direct live videos can also send them to others using the same method, but you can disable that option in the settings if you like.

According to Instagram, you need to update your Instagram app or you need at least version 26 of Instagram to get this feature called Direct for live videos.

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  1. This is beautiful, instagram is moving forward.

  2. This should count as a standard feature, nothing special.

    1. At least not all social media does that
