Over 1.8 Billion People Watch YouTube Videos Monthly

YouTube is one of the best and famous site where you watch the movie you love and where you listen to your favorite songs.

At the YouTube Brandcast presentation, CEO Susan Wojcicki announced that over 1.8 Billion logged-in users watch videos on YouTube every month.

This is really a huge figure. As at last year, the company recorded 1.5 billion users who watch YouTube videos monthly - as at June 2017.

Susan Wojcicki also talked about the pros and cons of YouTube being an open platform.
This is the impact of an open platform: it brings the world together in ways that were just not possible before. But we’ve also seen that with openness comes challenges, as some have tried to take advantage of our services. It is incredibly important to me and to everyone at YouTube that we grow responsibly.

In addition, Susan also stated that there will be human-approved videos option for YouTube Kids platform. They also planned to recruit about 10,000 people who will moderate videos manually on the YouTube kids platform.

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  1. LEWISPRESTO7/5/18

    Very happy for them... I have stop watching YouTube since the day of the tweak of MTN BBLITED

  2. Unknown7/5/18

    wow... this is good. YouTube is moving forward, this development is nice, that's about one third of the world population.

  3. Unknown7/5/18

    Enter your comment...hummm, anyway am not a youtube lover again cos no free cheat and the data bundle is too low

  4. Emmix M9/5/18

    O boy see population and see cash... These fellas are making it big time

  5. Korion13/5/18

    Amazing but I'm not surprised at all cause I'm one of them, and a big one at that. YouTube can be addictive
