Gboard Latest Bug on Spell check and auto-correct feature

Recently, i noticed some bugs while using GBoard (Google-owned keyboard app). The auto-correct feature stopped working, instead it corrects the text to an unknown word. In addition, the misspelled word won't be underlined in red.

I was so frustrated because Gboard is the default and my favorite keyboard app on my phone. I use it mostly to write posts  here on entclass blog because of its simplicity, Ad-Free service, and fastness.

I thought i was the only one experiencing this bug not until i saw complaints scattered across Reddit as well as Google own product forums.

A user wrote;
Since November of last year, the red underline has stopped appearing for incorrectly spelled words when using GBoard. I noticed this with my Pixel on Oreo.

There's also a discussion going on about this problem over at Google Issue Tracker, and a quick look there reveals that Google knows about the issue as info related to it was passed to the concerned development team back in January this year.

Here's what exactly a Google employee had said then:
We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.

Since then, there has been no response from Google regarding this bug on Gboard app. I'm really disappointed about the way Google has handled the bug so far.

Have you experienced this bug with your Gboard app? Let's hear your say via the comment box below.

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  1. Unknown25/5/18

    Enter your comment...this is the name of keyboard am using, ai.type keyboard u can try it and I promise you will love it

  2. Davies26/5/18

    keyboard is OK though and I would like to give it a try DAVIESHUBS

  3. LEWISPRESTO26/5/18

    Am not a lover of Gkeyboard, but I like it,But my Best Keyboard is Gokeyboard...

  4. Unknown26/5/18

    I use the Gboard keyboard on my phone as well,I am experiencing the same thing but I hope the situation will be made right soon.

  5. Korion30/5/18

    To those who can, just try and avoid gboard. There are better options.
