Twitter Android App to Receive Bottom Navigation Bar

Twitter will be releasing a new update to its Android app. The update comes with a redesigned interface where the top navigation bar is now placed at the bottom.

The bottom navigation bar is the latest trend in most Android apps. Though, the bottom navigation bar on Twitter is yet to hit the regular app on Playstore. The update is currently available for the Beta testers alone.

Below is how the new Twitter app would look like:

The new navigation location is to make users navigate more conveniently without any stress, especially those with smartphones featuring large tall displays.

While the layout of the bar remains the same, you can no longer swipe left or right between tabs on the bar. Sadly, this seems to be a server-side switch, meaning you can't trigger it manually at the moment.

The new Twitter update would be rolled out globally in the next few days.

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  1. Unknown3/5/18

    Enter your comment...waooww, can't wait to experience the new update. twitter wanna show us there true color

  2. Korion3/5/18

    That's nice, it's really gonna make browsing more convenient.

  3. LEWISPRESTO3/5/18

    I don't see something new about because if they need people to kudos them they need something big if we are typing to Twitty

  4. Unknown4/5/18

    wow, Twitter is moving forward, Nice feature whenever it is added.
