How To Use Chrome Browser As A Notepad With This Code

Do you know that Google Chrome can serve as a Notepad for you? Ofcourse Yes. Chrome has some hidden features that we are still yet to know.

You'll agree with me that Chrome is one of the best browser out there. It's my first choice and primary browser I use every single day because it has everything a browser need to have.

You can use Chrome as a quick notepad which works on both PC and mobile versions. I'm sure you are likely hearing this for the first time. It's very easy to convert your Chrome browser to a quick notepad.

You can write on it, copy and paste text for edits right inside the browser. In this post, I will guide you on how to do that. Kindly follow me along.

How To Turn Chrome Browser To Notepad

Like I said earlier, it works for both PC and mobile versions. But the downside of this is that, once you close the tab or browser, you will lose your notes, except you copy them to somewhere else.

  1. Now, to convert your Chrome browser to Notepad, just copy and paste this url code into your browser’s URL bar: data:text/html, <html contenteditable>
  2. Hit Enter or GO.
  3. After that, tap on the white background to start typing.
  4. That's all. Your Google Chrome browser can now be used as a notepad.
  5. You can even bookmark the URL so you can access it anytime, any day.

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  1. Unknown7/5/18

    Enter your a opera browser cos I don't have time to be consuming data

  2. LEWISPRESTO7/5/18

    Too much drain battery and consuming data
    well is good and nice browser

  3. Korion13/5/18

    Cool information bro, it might come in handy latter on
