Download GBWhatsApp APK 6.85 Latest Version, No Ads

GBWhatsapp v6.85 has just been rolled out officially. As usual, this update comes with new features and as well fixes some minor bugs. Incase you are new to GBWhatsapp, it is the modded version of the regular Whatsapp version on Playstore.

Some of the features that came with this latest version includes but not limited to swipe-to-reply, enabled group calls, added option to set duration for revoked message notification, removed ads, and more other features i will list below.

GBWhatsApp Changelog Version v6.85 (2.18.327) – 15/11/2018

  • New Base Updated to 2.18.327
  • Enabled Stickers
  • Exclusive GBStickers App With More Than 80 Stickers Packs
  • Exclusive No More Forward Tag to Opposite Person even if you forward
  • Exclusive @mention Icon on Main Screen to easily Know where you are tagged
  • Exclusively Improved Option to Block Calls with/without Showing Ringing to Opp Person
  • Exclusively Added New Option to Select Part Message (Mod 1.2.2)
  • Enabled Swipe To Reply
  • Enabled Group Calls
  • Increased Forward Limit for Indian Users
  • Added Option to Set Duration for Revoked Message Notification (Mod 6.8)
  • Added Themed Stickers Tab
  • Fixed Hidden Chats Showing in Calls Tab
  • Fixed Square Pics
  • Fixed Search in Themes
  • Delete All Ads From GBWhatsApp
  • Delete All Pop-up From OGWhatsApp (Follow Us On Facebook – Follow Us On Twitter – Donate GBWhatsApp)
  • Fixed Some Bugs And App Crashing
  • Many Other Bugs Has Been Fixed.

Where to Download GBWhatsapp v6.85 APK

How To Install GBWhatsapp Without Losing Chats

You can install GBWhatsapp on your Android phone without losing chats. You can use GBWhatsapp at the same time with the official Whatsapp version on same phone. It's very easy. Kindly follow me along.

Step 1 : Download GBWhatsApp apk on your android smartphone or tablet from the above link.

Note : If you want to use GBWhatsApp, or move from official WhatsApp version or WhatsApp Plus to GBWhatsapp, and want to keep chats, then go to Settings in your WhatsApp — ChatsBackup. Then go to file manager in your android device and rename WhatsApp folder name to GBWhatsApp (case sensitive).

Step 2 :  Go to Android settings and click on SettingsSecurity — tick Unknown Sources

Step 3 : Now, install GBWhatsApp on your Android device, which you previously downloaded from the above link.

Step 4 : Open GBWhatsApp and click AGREE AND CONTINUE. If you see a message like "Allow WhatsApp to access Message" click on allow for all message.

Step 5 : Enter your mobile number and verify your number in GBWhatsApp. This step may take a few minutes, wait a little bit for it to deliver verification code to your phone.

Step 6 : If you have backup Press Restore Lastet Backup. Wait a little to complete restore.

Step 7 : Enter your name and choose profile picture.

That's all. Simple as that. If you encountered any problem while installing GBWhatsapp on your Android, kindly comment below and I'll reply almost immediately.

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  1. LEWISPRESTO29/8/18

    Thanks for keeping us updating

  2. Joshua31/8/18

    Great job just updated mine now now thks

  3. Unknown2/9/18

    The GBwhatsapp is lovely,I am using it now , it is having full features

  4. Unknown7/9/18

    Enter your comment...nice update

  5. Muhfat_engr.18/10/18

    Pls do we have for some android version, some are having phase error expecially android version 5.0

    1. Victor Kachi18/10/18

      The reason why you get Parse error is because the app wasn't downloaded successfully.

  6. Mine back up didn't work. After diligently follow the steps

  7. Unknown19/10/18

    Mine is not updating. It just stop at 40%

    1. Victor Kachi19/10/18

      Updating or downloading?

  8. Abdulameen Mashood10/11/18

    Good day please using gbwhatsapp on my hot6 has been giving me problem as every time I tried downloading theme or doing some GB setting my whatsapp will start to hang...... I can't minimize my Whatsapp again as it willnt load if I come back to it until I force to stop.......
    Moreso once I leave my Whatsapp probably to check my message on facebook within 2minute my Whatsapp will not respond until i forced to stop b4 it start to work

    1. Victor Kachi11/11/18

      This problem should be from your phone

    2. Abdulameen Mashood11/11/18

      Please what did u suggest I should do as my brother and friends the same Hot6 as me doesn't have that problem......
      Have even format my phone is still the same

  9. Audu Ibrahim28/11/18

    Pls what is the difference between this app and whatsapp

    1. Victor Kachi28/11/18

      It has more features than the official version

  10. Unknown9/12/21

    App not installing

  11. thanks for give us .
