Introducing Entclass VPN, The Latest Free Browsing VPN

I'm so happy to announce our own self modified VPN app called Entclass VPN. This is not just an ordinary VPN app, it's specifically designed for free browsing cheat. Yeah! you heard that right.
Entclass VPN is just like other VPN apps like Tweakware vpn, 24clan vpn, Stark vpn etc. But Entclass VPN is specially designed for free browsing cheat only

We are going to be updating the app regularly as soon as there is any new cheats on any network like MTN, Glo, 9mobile and Airtel. I bet you, you will enjoy this new development that we just started.

It's also worth knowing that Entclass VPN is now available on Google Playstore for you to download instantly and start enjoying free browsing cheats.

Before I continue, let's get to know the benefits of Entclass VPN.

Benefits Of Entclass VPN

Below are the benefits of using Entclass VPN. 
  • The VPN is actually free. You don't have to pay for premium server
  • Tweak list will be updated regularly with new working free browsing cheats
  • All updates will be uploaded on Playstore, while the steps will be posted on
  • Entclass VPN is basically easy to use. No much settings. Just select a Tweak and connect. That's all
  • Entclass VPN is very small, just 2.8MB in size
  • Entclass VPN doesn't drain battery or heat up your phone
  • Henceforth, all cheats will be placed inside the VPN to avoid spies and people reporting the host/proxy server to network providers on Twitter.

Available Cheats On Entclass VPN

Currently, we only have MTN 50MB daily cheat, 9mobile SocialPak and Streaming Pak tweaks which are currently blazing hot.

More tweaks will be added as soon as we find any loophole from any network. You will definitely enjoy this VPN when we finally crack an unlimited free browsing cheat.

Where To Download Entclass VPN

Entclass VPN is officially available on Google Playstore for you to download. Make sure you uninstall the version 1 we first created (if you still have it installed on your phone).

Please help rate us 5 or 4 Star on Playstore. It means a lot to us. Thanks as you do.

If you have any questions, please post them in the comment box below and as well share this post. 

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About Entclass Blog Is A Top Tech Blog That Provides Free And Cheap Browsing Cheats On Mtn, 9mobile, Glo And Airtel, Tweaking Guides And Tech News.

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  1. Elochi7/10/19

    This is awesome, am downloading it ASAP.

    Nice one buddy!

  2. Unknown7/10/19

    Please,i am unable to download the entclass vpn app,help me to download it,or share it for me.

    1. Victor Kachi7/10/19

      Download directly from Playstore or message us on Telegram

    2. Unknown20/10/19

      It's not more on playstore

    3. Victor Kachi21/10/19

      We are trying to sort out some things. It would be uploaded again on playstore.

    4. Giftedrozzay12/7/22

      Pls what's your telegram thanks!!!

    5. Victor Kachi12/7/22

      Copy this link to your browser

  3. Ogaslord7/10/19

    Etisalat data cap social plan

  4. Geoglitz8/10/19

    Hi, I downloaded it but it worked for a while and then stopped

    1. Victor Kachi8/10/19

      You have to keep reconnecting until it gets connected. This is because the server gets overcrowded during the day

  5. Tboysquare8/10/19

    Always love reading your post, and this is just so amazing, I've downloaded the app already and it's so cool, love the user interface. Keep the good work mr kachi

    1. Victor Kachi8/10/19

      Thanks for your comment

  6. InspiredStilo9/10/19

    Download link Is not working

    1. Victor Kachi9/10/19

      Download link is working fine. Please try again. You need to have Playstore on your phone

  7. Unknown12/10/19

    Please help , it refuses to connect.. Does it require any setting

    1. Victor Kachi12/10/19

      Server is always overcrowded. Keep trying. It doesn't require any special settings

    2. Unknown13/10/19

      Nice job... It works perfectly ❤❤

  8. laidey12/10/19

    Av download the app, but fail to load, the respond is unfortunate entclassVPN app stopped .

    1. Victor Kachi12/10/19

      Where did you download from?

    2. I downloaded the app but I don't know how it activate it.

    3. Victor Kachi15/10/19

      I've explained the process in this post. Please read carefully.

  9. Unknown15/10/19

    Hi, good day boss, plz wch network can I be using to open the Entclass VPN, please, it's not connect again, and am using MTN for it..

    1. Victor Kachi15/10/19

      For MTN, use the MTN 50mb tweak

  10. Emmanuel26/10/19

    I tried to download but it's not found on play store why

    1. Victor Kachi26/10/19

      No more working. We will soon post an alternative

  11. Sadis albany27/10/19

    It show's that to me "item not found" pls help

    1. Victor Kachi27/10/19

      We will soon post an update regarding that

  12. Unknown23/10/20

    Ectunnel pro username and password please
